More Profitability Benchmarking:

Australia’s only fundraising benchmarking for large and small not-for-profits compares return on investment across eight types of fundraising.

Our macro reporting is based on seven years of data from over 80 organisations with a combined income over the period of $6.8b. This incredibly robust data set will compare your:

  • Fundraising mix
  • Return on Full costs for each program
  • Income per FTE for each program

Use it to:

  • Set realistic return on investment [ROI] expectations and budgets
  • Ensure your ROI is keeping up with the market
  • Determine where to invest for the best returns
  • Refine your fundraising mix
  • Review the number of relationships managed by each staff member
  • Make a compelling case for investment in staff
  • Understand how the change in your supporter database compares to others
  • Increase confidence in and understanding of fundraising at a Board and leadership level

We have created three tiers of benchmarking to best meet the needs of different organisations.

What you get

These summaries are valuable for showing results at a leadership level covering annual and 5 year growth in gross and net terms, changes in return, market share and income per head of population.

Our macro analysis covers nearly $4.5b of income across 66 charities over the past 5 years to give a robust picture of return rates.

Our accelerator charts show the rate of change in income compared to the rate of change in expenditure by size of organisation helping you to quickly see if your program is over or under performing compared to others.

We provide a detailed breakdown of the reliance for each type of fundraising and compare this to the cost income ratio by size of charity allowing you see at a glance where to focus your efforts in the future.

Return and ratio reports show the return compared to each organisation, organised by size,
so you can make a more effective comparison.

Fundraising Success Survey

Sign up to our Sophisticated Benchmarking Tier to get unique access to a study of the fundraising
success enablers across your organisation.

Fundraising success comes from a unique combination of an organisational culture that loves to fundraise, great insights about why people give and a well-resourced realistic strategy for growth.

More Strategic has developed and delivered a 15-question survey that assesses and benchmarks the key drivers of fundraising performance across 4 key areas;


  1. Market
  2. Employee Promoter Score


  1. Portfolio
  2. Performance
  3. Potential

Success Drivers

  1. Leadership
  2. Governance
  3. Brand
  4. Staffing
  5. Strategy
  6. Systems
  7. Innovation

Experience Management

  1. Performance
  2. Measurement
  3. Practice

We will invite organisational leaders and the fundraising team to complete the survey and in the workshop share the findings from across the organisation and in comparison to other not for profits.

Register for Free Information Webinar

Join us in unlocking the full potential of your charity’s fundraising efforts through our upcoming webinars on the transformative More Profitability Benchmarking package.

During these webinars, we aim to provide you with practical knowledge on the following topics:

  • An overview of the analysis and reports that you will receive.
  • The information that we require from you and how we have streamlined the process to make it more convenient for you.
  • Common roadblocks that participants often face and how we can help you overcome them.
  • An opportunity to ask any questions you may have.



Sign Up

Complete form for a call back:

Or Contact:


Call: 0435306202

The Benchmarking Partnership

We are proud to have partnered with the Benchmarking Project since 2022 to deliver more robust and conclusive evidence of our profitability benchmarking by incorporating their meticulous transactional analysis.

To gain a deeper insight into The Benchmarking Project and their expertise, please follow this link:

“We participated in More Strategic’s Profitability Benchmarking for the first time in 2017 and have been impressed by the number of meaningful insights it has provided into the sector as a whole and MSF’s program in particular.  Through the workshop More Strategic provided robust commentary on industry trends and pulled out the priority areas of focus for MSF in order to maximize performance.  I have no hesitation in recommending participation in this study to any charity wanting to better understand their program performance, to drive strategic investment and to grow their fundraising program”
Warrick Saunders
Director Fundraising at Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders)

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Or Contact Directly:

Email – Phone – 0435 306 202